Having lived in Pearland for most of my life, I have certainly seen it change. In the 80's, when I was in high school, Pearland was still a sleepy little town. Now, according the projections from the new census, we are looking at 100,000+ residents...wow!
I was reading in the Pearland Journal someones comment that our sleepy little town is no more. While that is true, I feel fortunate to have seen both sides; the little town it was and the bustling city it is. I believe we are better off for the change. Pearland is a more diverse "melting pot" and with the increased population comes improvements to the roads and commerce, which helps the local economy.
As a local business owner, I must say I am glad that Pearland has expanded like it has. Small businesses like mine are the backbone of the local economy and although change can sometimes be painful, I feel we are all better off for it.
Now, in closing, I am going to do something I don't usually do. I am attaching pictures of me 150 years ago it seems. Nonetheless, all this talk of old Pearland has gotten me all nostalgic...I am attaching some photos of me taken around the time of the war of 1812 (just kidding). Actually around 1978. I was tagged in a photo showing my support for the Pearland Little League and another at my folks home the same year( I was proud of my Pearland Shirt). Pardon the long hair!!