Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Positive Thinking

If there is one overall theme to my blog posts, it is that I always try to post something positive everyday. The world is filled with enough negative energy without my adding to it. I believe that if a person starts their day out with negativity, how can they expect something positive to come from it?

With that being said, we all have bad things happen to us in life no matter how positive we are. But, that is part of life itself. Besides if everything was perfect every second of every day, life would be kind of boring don't you think?

Besides, many times we learn from the negative things that happen just as much as the good things...sometimes more. So, what I do is start each day by telling myself it is going to be great. Even if a little rain falls on my otherwise bright day, I will be able to deal with it a little better with the right frame of having the forethought to bring an umbrella.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Setting Goals

If you are like me, you regularly set goals for yourself. My problem is I don't always follow through. This year, there are several goals I set for myself. One of which was to start this blog.

Oh, one thing about goals...if you don't write them down, you don't do them. Which was my problem with the blog. Additionally, you should consider writing down a pros and cons list of what you expect to get out of this goal. This may help you stick to your plan.

Lastly, there is one additional thing I hadn't considered before about goal setting; they don't necessarily need to have an expiration date...for instance getting healthy or working out. Consider trying this out for yourself but pace yourself (as my grandmother used to say to my grandfather) so you aren't disappointed.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Building Wealth

I have been following Dave Ramsey lately and his mindset of building wealth. I find it very interesting that the majority of millionaires in this country live in a home valued less than $300,000. This tells us that they are building wealth by not upscaling.

Contrary to that, the majority million dollar homes out there are not owned/occupied by millionaires. Instead, they are owned by high income producers that make more than $200,000 per year. What we can learn from this is that this is probably the driving factor behind all the upscale homes going into foreclosure. Folks bought more than they could afford, then their income went south and they lost their homes.

I believe that we can all learn a valuable lesson here. Just because you can afford to spend X dollars on a home, doesn't necessarily mean you should. Always plan for the future and the unexpected. If you live in less home than you can afford, you have a much better chance of building wealth.

For more on this topic, pick up the book "Stop Acting Rich: And Start Living Like a Millionaire" by Charles Stanley, PH.D.

If you find yourself in a situation where you can no longer pay for your home and you are facing foreclosure, call me. Many times I can negotiate with the bank and sell your home for less than you owe saving you from foreclosure.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Open Houses

As a veteran of the real estate industry, I am a firm believer in open houses. Many Realtors don't do them explaining to their clients they don't work. I believe this is simply because they don't want to spend the time it takes to do an open house.

I am here to say I have sold several homes by doing open houses. What could possibly be wrong with exposing your home to as many prospects as possible? The more folks that see it, the better your chances of selling it. I do an open house nearly every weekend for 2 hours.

Speaking of open houses...I am holding a double open house this Sunday from 2:00 until 4:00pm. 11501 Bay Crossing and 3326 Southdown. Check my website for more details. Remember, no one will work harder for you than TopMike.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Thoughts On Competition In Our Industry

If there is one thing I have learned in my 12 years in real estate, is that there is enough business out there for us all. I think it is that very competition that causes me to be a better salesman. I find I like the challenge of continually improving myself.

However, the most important thing to remember is that true success can only be measured from within. Too many of us measure our own success by the success of others. Set your own brass ring.

FHA vs Conventional Financing

Have you had trouble getting financing for a home lately? FHA financing is the most common type of financing and is a little harder to get than before. However, I have several contacts within the mortgage industry and will help you any way that I can.

If you have a 620 FICO score or above, depending on your debt, you should be able to get financed for a home. Don't know your score? Check out to find out what your score is.

FHA financing requires the home to be in decent condition and without major flaws such as foundation or roofing problems. With FHA financing, you can get a gift from a relative to help with some of your closing costs.

Conventional financing doesn't require the home to meet such strict guidelines (although that is changing), however, this type of financing requires 5% down and typically isn't as fliexible as FHA financing.

If you have further questions, call or email me